Friday 4 October 2013

Arghhhh! School Related Issues

Bloody feckin' useless school from hell.

See, I would normally post this on my blog, however owing to Raving Nutcase Teacher finding the blog last term, I now have to say it here instead.

So RNT as she will be referred to from hereonin is now the Evil Geniuses teacher, and there's now the same old pattern emerging as with Diva Girl.

Let's go all Lloyd Grossman for a moment and look at the evidence:

Child not wanting to go to school? CHECK
Child lacking confidence? CHECK
Child not themselves, teary and angry for no reason? CHECK AND FULL HOUSE

Its not sodding on.

To make it worse, the Governor (or as I call her "Orgasms for Jesus") decided to bitch us in the playground in front of the worse possible fecking parent she could have done. So now I get death stares from all the suck up parents (and their puffa jackets and baggy tracksuit pants) in the playground. Wonderful.

OK, so Him Indoors may have told her to piss off, but you can barely blame him when some middle class Boden wearing Tory decides to come and take credit for sorting out a bullying issue that she and the last Head (or the old Crone) failed to deal with for 18 months, preferring instead to suggest that Diva Girl was in need of psychological testing. 

Cut to today, and the brats have been doing "International Week" (clearly someone has been taking tips from the McDonalds adverts) and low and behold a whole load of crap paper (appearing in a recycling box near you. Oh don't look like that, if I kept every drawing they bring home or create indoors, our house would be deemed a fire risk) came home.

Including a picture. From Evil Genius. Covered in chick peas.

What's wrong with that I hear you ask.



And breathe.

So, they are well aware that he should not have these bloody things in the bloody classroom. 

What annoys me is that they can be careful not to have pork in school down to the largely ethnic majority of children in the school. Pork which is nothing to do with anything other than a few words in a book, and nothing that would possibly kill a child.

BUT chickpeas, which could bloody restrict Evil Geniuses airways? Fine and dandy to fuck up on three times!

What the fuck is wrong with these people.

And of course, if I go into school about it and have a go, which is my bloody right after them fucking up again, the RNT will do what she usually does and cry. The woman is so practised at it she does the doe eyed look from the fringe better than Princess Di ever did. She's a grown fucking woman with children, cop yourself on, grow up and stop bloody whinging. If you fuck up, bloody own up, simple. 

What annoys me is she wanted Diva Girl tested for what? CRYING TOO MUCH. When a boy was punching and kicking her all the time, when she's 5 and then 6, What the fuck is her excuse?

So, that's the Anti Bullshit for today. Thanks for reading.


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